
  • ANZASW celebrates International Women’s Day but calls for more work to Break the Bias

    Date Published: 8 March 2022

    Today, ANZASW celebrates International Women’s Day. We acknowledge all the women of Aotearoa and the world. Around 85% of social workers are women and we especially celebrate them today. 

    The theme for International Women’s Day is Break the Bias. There is much work done to break the bias towards women and to address the gender pay gaps.

    Social work is a female dominated profession and as such faces the persistent challenges of pay inequity. Social workers typically get paid significantly less than comparative male-dominated industries. Social workers have had to lodge pay equity claims and fight for pay equity.

    There are 2 outstanding pay equity claims awaiting settlement, which affect approximately 70% of social workers. The Government either directly funds or employs these social workers. We call on the Government to urgently address and settle these pay equity claims. The Government must take steps to ensure it pays equitably and fairly for its employees and those positions it funds in the community. 

    We also acknowledge the work of Mind the Gap who are the first pay gap registry. We support the call for organisations, especially Government departments, to publish company information on gender pay gaps.
